Na een lange autorit van bijna 2 uur kwamen we dan aan bij het festivalterrein. Maar helaas, de auto moest een goede kilometer verderop geparkeerd worden, met een parkeerkaart die maar liefst 10 euro kostte
Vandaar werden er dan pendelbussen ingezet die richting het terrein reden en terug. Rond een uur of 9 kwamen we daar dan ook aan, waarna er een korte fouillering en een rondreis langs alle vaste plaatsen (Drank-bonnen, kluisjes, eet-bonnen, toiletten) liepen we richting mainstage. Het eerste wat opviel was de oldschool tent, en vooral de prachtige digitale aanduidingen + time-tables aan de bovenkant van de tent. Naar later bleek was dit in alle area's, en ondanks dat er al blaadjes waren uitgedeeld met time-table, vond ik dit een super zet, het zag ook super uit. Hierna liepen we door naar de nog vrij lege mainstage, waar Darkvizion stond te draaien.
21.00 - 22.00 Darkvizion
Toen we aankwamen hoorden we gelijk een dikke plaat, namelijk King Of Pain van Promo. Daarna hoorde ik onder meer nog DJ Niel - Under My Skin, Rave Creator - At-Mosfear, Meagashira - Through Innercore, Dione - Pain Till I Die, Art Of Fighters - The Thousand Faces Conspiration en de laatste track was een andere Promo-klassieker, Phreak Ya Speakah. Al met al een lekkere opwarmer voor al het werk dat nog zou komen (al was het toch vrij koud naar mijn mening )
22.00 - 23.00 Day-Mar
Hier kregen we maar een stukje van mee, we wilden namelijk niks missen van het debuut van Weapon X. Maar goed, eerst nog een stukje Day-Mar dus, ik vond het vrij hard voor deze tijd van de avond, maar het was wel lekker anders. Hectic Fence - Armed To The Teeth, D-Passion - Pillaged And Fucked en Serial Killaz & Out-Back - Torture waren enkele van de nummers die ik hoorde, het klonk zeker niet slecht. Het geluid op de mainstage klonk ook niet slecht, maar je moest toch wel zorgen dat je een beetje vooraan stond.
22.30 - 00.00 Weapon X
En daar was dan eindelijk de onthulling, wie zit er achter het project Weapon X. De man stond al klaar om te beginnen toen Mindustries zijn laatste plaatje nog aan het opleggen was, maar toen dat eindelijk gebeurd was, werd hij dan toch aangekondigd. Helaas was het geluid in deze tent niet echt geweldig, maar je kunt niet alles hebben Hij opende gelijk met Weapon X - Take That Shit Back, Art Of Fighters & Nico & Tetta - Revenge, Weapon X - The MF Psycho en ging daarna verder met Endymion - Payback en Angerfist - Broken Chain. In de climax van Broken Chain ging het draaitechnische gedeelte even flink de mist in, maar hij herstelde zich snel door de plaat opnieuw op te zetten en daarna wel door te mixen naar nummers als Human Resource - Dominator (The Stunned Guys Remix), The Viper - Blow Tha Club Down (G-Town Madness & The Viper Dirty Mix), Art Of Fighters - I'm Your Enemy en Amnesys - My Motherfucking Name. Jammer dat er erg veel platen van het Traxtorm-label gedraaid werden, ik had graag nog wat meer Weapon X - producties gehoord. Weapon X ging in ieder geval door met mixen met Evil Activities & Neophyte - To You Who Doubt Me (Tommyknocker Remix), Tha Playah - Fuck The Titties (The Viper & Tommyknocker Remix), Tommyknocker - Learn From The Pain, Nosferatu & Endymion - Victorious, Weapon X - Back To Life, DJ Mad Dog - Enter The Time Machine en Tha Playah & Nexes - The One. Op zich geen slechte set, een heel degelijk debuut van deze 'nieuwe' artiest, maar ik had de volgende keer toch liever meer wat platen van eigen hand gezien, maar dat is natuurlijk een persoonlijke kwestie
Omdat we de set niet helemaal hebben afgekeken in verband met een eetpauze, kwamen we pas weer terug in het muzikale gedeelte bij het einde van de live-act van Synapse & Sei2ure. Wat een kabaal in deze tent, en het viel me op dat nog een groot gedeelte van het publiek op deze 'revolutionaire' muziek losging. Omdat ik verder totaal niet bekend ben met deze muziek kan ik geen titels geven. Het was uitkijken naar het setje van Ruffneck & Endymion.
00.30 - 01.30 Ruffneck & Endymion
Geniale set, deze 2 namen zijn bekend in de scene, een van voornamelijk de jaren negentig, en de andere naam staat voornamelijk vanaf begin 2000 wat meer in de picture. Ruffneck en Endymion startten hun set met voor mij onbekend werk, en gingen daarna lekker verder met de nieuwe Meccano Twins - Domin-Hated Hierna kwam weer iets onbekends, waarna er geknald werd met Endymion - Payback, Nosferatu & Endymion - All The Way Up en Neophyte & Evil Activities - Invasion. Hierna was het tijd voor Nosferatu & Endymion - Suffocate, een plaatje dat toch ook langzaam wel uitgebracht mag worden. Hierna werd de nieuwe Prowler & T-Junction aangekondigd, de titel was onverstaanbaar, maar het klonk wel heel lekker. Het ging maar door met lekkere nummers, want Ruffneck & Endymion - Masenka, Endymion - Causin Confusion en Ruffneck & Ophidian - All The Way Down kwamen achter elkaar langs, nummers die de sfeer weer behoorlijk opvoerden in de goed gevulde tent. Na Never Fall Asleep van Evil Activities & DJ Panic hoorde ik dan eindelijk het nieuwe Let's Get It On van Art Of Fighters & Endymion, wat een geniale track, lekkere sound, heerlijke vocals, en de kicks waren ook super De volgende 'nieuwe', Ruffneck & Ophidian - So Many Sacrifices (van Enzyme 27, die woensdag uit zou komen ), kwam voorbij en zo ging het maar door met toppertjes. Op het einde kwamen The Stunned Guys & Tommyknocker - Your Choice en Nosferatu & Endymion - Drunk With A Gun voorbij, gevolgd door nog een onbekende raggende afsluiter. Een heerlijke set die nooit standaard werd door af en toe wat nieuw werk afgewisseld met bekende plaatjes en wat beukwerk, en de heren van Endymion en Ruffneck hadden er zoveel zin in, dat het gewoon onmogelijk was om stil te blijven staan. Super, zoals gewoonlijk
Hierna moesten we snel weer het hele terrein overbruggen richting Mainstage, want daar stond de live-act van Meccano Twins op het programma.
01.30 - 02.00 Meccano Twins
Heerlijke live-act, super nummertjes als Breath, Sinapse (AOF Mix), Dualism, Illusion en Final Disposal Of The Outer Power (Eardrums On Blood Mix) gehoord, afgewisseld met veel werk dat ongetwijfeld op het nieuwe Art Of Fighters - album komt te staan. Super setje van deze heren.
02.00 - 03.15 Neophyte & The Viper
Deze twee legendes uit de scene waren de volgende om het podium te betreden. De opener was natuurlijk Invasion van Neophyte & Evil Activities, gevolgd door Scott Brown - Bass Be Louder en The Stunned Guys & DJ Lancinhouse - Atmosfera. Hierna kwamen tracks als The Viper - Blow Tha Club Down, Evil Activities - Not As Cold As Me, Neophyte & The Stunned Guys - Get This Motherfucker en de minimix van Dune - Hardcore Vibes en Wasting Program - Bring That Shit Back. Hierna kwam de nieuwe Art Of Fighters - Artwork (Tha Playah Remix) en Sunbeam vs Tommyknocker - Twisted World (The Viper Mashup Mix) voorbij. Evil Activitities & Tha Playah - Raise It Up, The Hitmen - We Like It Raw en de minimix van Psychiatric Ass en Slaves To The Rave voorbij. Het bleef maar doorgaan met klappers, nu was het de tijd aan Outblast & DJ D - Electro Shocking, Hard Creation - Creators Of The Core, het nieuwe Evil Activities - Raw To The Floor en wederom een minimix met 98 To Piano, Hold Me Now en Poltergeist voorbij. De laatste minimix was de allereerste die The Viper ooit gemaakt heeft, met Bike's Drum, Brohymn, Prednison Attack en Braincracking. Op het einde ging het publiek nog even helemaal los op Muil Houwe van Neophyte, en de afsluiter was Euromasters - Alles Naar De Klote (Neophyte & Evil Activities Remix). Leuk setje, maar wat mij betreft hoeven er geen nieuwe minimixjes te komen.
03.15 - 04.30 DJ Mad Dog & Tommyknocker
Hierna was het tijd voor de upcoming man en de topper van Traxtorm, DJ Mad Dog en Tommyknocker. Ze openden gelijk knallend met tracks als DJ Mad Dog - Enter The Time Machine, Tommyknocker - Hurricane en Noize Suppressor - Bone Crusher. Hierna meende ik een nieuwe track van waarschijnlijk Tommyknocker te horen, het klonk in ieder geval in zijn stijl, en het was weer een toppertje Het ging weer verder met Alex B & DJ Promo - Bij Gebrek Aan Beter, een nieuwe minimix met Let's Get Them All/The Hustle/Trigga Finga. Daarna kwam de nieuwe Mad Dog & Noize Suppressor - Fire, The Viper & Tommyknocker - The Prophecy Unfolds (Tha Playah Remix), D-Passion - Change History en een ander Raving Nightmare Anthem, Tommyknocker - Nocturnal Rituals, gevolgd door Domination van dezelfde man. Het ging lekker door met Italiaanse klappers als Noize Suppressor - Fingherz, DJ Mad Dog - Dangerous, een nieuwe minimix met Hardcore Junky en King Of Pain, en Tommyknocker - Learn From The Pain. Toen we besloten even een jas te gaan aantrekken hoorden we de minimix met At-Mosfear/Go Get Ill/French Connection/Chronic Disorder. Zoals gewoonlijk, standaard een lekker setje, maar helaas weinig verrassends, hoewel Mad Dog af en toe nog wel eens een apart nummertje erin wilt gooien. Te grappig was wel dat onder deze set in één keer door het hele publiek de rollen toiletpapier over en weer vlogen, wat af en toe lachwekkende taferelen opleverde.
04.30 - 05.00 Evil Activities Live
Nadat we nog even bij de kluisjes stonden hoorden we het nieuwe My Hidden Place. Toen we later ons weer richting zaal begaven hoorden we ook nog Be Quiet, MC's & DJ's, One Of Those Days en als afsluiter natuurlijk Alles Naar De Klote. Jammer was dat rond deze tijd de 'hooligans' weer flink bezig waren het feest te verpesten voor die duizenden goedgezinden, maar het was weer eens zo ver. Security en Politie hadden in één klap hun handen vol en wij besloten om het feest maar te laten voor wat het was.
Na een lange reis van 2 en een half uur kwamen we weer terug aan in Zuid-Limburg, waarna we maar heerlijk in bed kropen, maar niet voordat er natuurlijk nog een wedstrijdje gevoetbald was.
Die große Reverze 2007 im neuen Jahr fand am 27.01.2007 wieder in Antwerpen Belgien statt. Das Sportpalais war ja nicht zum ersten Mal das Ziel für 15.000 Party Leuten aus Holland, Belgien und natürlich auch aus Deutschland. Die Party selber war in 3 verschiendenen Styles eingeteilt. Die Mainhall mit u.a. Francois, Massiv, Coone, Ruthless, Prophet, Technoboy und nicht zu vergessen Dj Promo. In der 2. Area waren u.a. Deepack, Dr. Rude, Genius und The Headhunterz vertreten, die 3. Area teilten sich Dj Vince, The Darkraver, Rob & Mc Joe, Kristof, Yves und der Godfahter of Hardcore Dj Paul Elstak, diesmal nicht mit Mc Ruffian da dieser in Area 2 hosten musste. Als wir gegen 22:30 Uhr die Halle betraten, war die Tanzfläche schon bis zur Hälfte gefüllt. Doch erstmal die Frage, was war diesmal alles neu? Die Bühne war am anderen Ende der Halle aufgebaut und hatte zwei DJ Sets, die links und rechts neben der fetten Bühne waren. Die Lichtinstallation war hervorragend , ebenso wie die Laser, die in der ganzen Halle verteilt waren. Je mehr die Zeit verging, desto voller wurde die Halle, desto besser wurde die Stimmung und desto lauter wurde die Musik. Als Greg C den ersten Liveact präsentierten, gab es dann ein fette Überraschung in der Mitte der Halle entstand eine „Wasserwand", die als Leinwand für die Laser diente. Von der Hallendecke floß das Wasser in freiem Fall herab. Eine fette Optik!!! Und vor der Bühne waren verschiedene Lein-wände aufgebaut. Nur wer das selbst gesehen hat, kann sich das vorstellen. Endlich hat sich mal ein Veranstalter etwas Neues einfallen lassen. Ein fettes Lob an Bass Events dafür. Dann legten Dj Vince und The Darkraver auf, die durch ein 2 minütiger Pause unterbrochen wurde. Alle Türen der Halle wurden geöffnet, um frische Luft reinzulassen. Dann kam noch Technoboy aus Italien, der einige seiner größten Hits spielten. Das Set von Dj Paul Elstak gefiel den Leuten offensichtlich am Besten, die Stimmung war großartig. Vor allem die 3. Area war sehr gut gefüllt, wenn nicht sogar schon überfüllt. Schade das dann wieder eine der Unterbrechungen kam. Danach kamen noch Deezpack & The Headhunterz und zum Schluß aus Holland Dj Promo. Was in Holland bzw. Belgien immer wieder völlig anders ist als hierzulande, um 7.00 Uhr schien noch niemand nach Hause gegangen zu sein. Die Partyfreakz feierten noch weiter, als das Licht schon lange an war. Die Party war mal wieder so richtig geil und schreit nach einer baldigen Wiederholung.
Zur Location:
Die Bühnen waren einfach nur super geil gemacht wie man das von Bass Events kennt ... !!! Die Mainstage war jedoch nicht zu überbieten. Als es dunkel war sah diese Stage aus wie eine kleine Partystadt voll gepackt mit jeder Menge High Tech Elektronik, Boxen. Echt der hammer. Alles war sehr übersichtlich und man könnte sich gut an den Info Wänden ( Drinks, WC's ect,) orientieren. Die Leute die als Guest / Vip Besucher da waren konnten ausserdem auf einer extra für sie angelegten Stage mitten in der Mainarena gehen. Auf allen Etagen waren verschiedene Stände wie Merchandise, Reverze CD Stand, Eßstände, Tattoostand und ein Drugs Infostand nur um einige zu nennen. Die WC's waren nicht gratis dafür aber relative sauber.
An diesem Silvestersonntag machte ich mich zusammen mit meiner Freundinn Natascha und meinen Freunden Volker & Ronny (mal wieder ... ) gegen ca. 23:30 Uhr auf die Reise um nach Rotterdam zur Discothek Outland zu kommen. Dort sollte heute Abend die Silvester Edition der „Super Supersized“ statt finden. In dieser Location fanden dieses Jahr schon einige gute Hardcore Partys statt. (u.a. „Hardcore-4-life“, „Fresh.Fm“ !!!)
Um ca. 01:30 Uhr sind wir dort angekommen. Nach einem kurzen Check durch die Security waren wir dann rechtzeitig da als gerade The Prophet auflegte. Ein guter Mix mit vielen neuen Tracks !!! Da es in dieser Area viel zu warm gewesen ist, bin ich erstmal zur Bar gegangen um mir dort ein leckeres Heineken zu holen.
Der Club war zu diesem Zeitpunkt gut besucht, nicht so überfüllt wie bei der letzten Party als noch mehrere Area‘s geöffnet gewesen sind. Der Club selbst besteht aus insgesamt 3 Area‘s, der Underworld, der Mainworld und der Upperworl. Für 11,00€ hat man 5 Getränkemarken bekommen. Die Toiletten dürften diesen Abend kostenlos benutzt werden.
Gegen 03:00 Uhr begann nun endlich Dj Panic zusammen mit Dj Paul Elstak aufzulegen und ich war gespannt wie es werden wird. Es folgten Tracks wie Neophyte & Evil Activities - „Bottoms Up“, den Hit „Chronic disorder“, DJ Isaac & The Viper - „Trigga Finga“, Stunned Guys - „Hymn“, Hard Creation - „I Will Have That Power“ (Stunned Guys Remix) and DJ Paul & The Stunned Guys - „Hardcore Taking Over“. Die Stimmung war zu dieser Zeit super und die Leute machten richtig Party. Von der Lasershow merkte man allerdings nicht soviel, leider. Aber dafür knallte der Sound richtig schon hart durch die Boxen.
Nach Dj Paul & Dj Panic war nun Bass-D an der Reihe sein können unter Beweis zu stellen. Auch er mixte einige gute Tracks zusammen wie u.a. Evil Activities & Dj Panic - „Never Sleep Again“, G-Town Madness - „lock down“, Art of Fighters - „Earthquake“ und Stunned Guys - „You will Die“. Auch dieses Set hat mir sehr gefallen.
Nun war die Zeit gekommen für den Auftritt von Evil Activities, diesmal sollte es ein Deejay Set von Kelly werden und nicht wie gewohnt als Live Act mit Dj Dazzler. Auch er überzeugte mit Tracks wie Neopyhte - „Invasion“, Evil Activities - „Sate of Emergency“, Neopyhte vs. Evil Activities - „On of These Days“, „Bigger than ever“, Mc‘s & Dj‘s und wie schon an diesem Abend gehört „Never sleep Aganin“ !!! Wie gewohnt legte Kelly aka Evil Activities eine geniales Set hin und brachte so die noch gut gefüllte Halle zum Kochen bevor 5 Minuten später die Turntables still standen und die Party zu Ende war. Eine perfekter Abschluss vom Veranstalter Outland, bei dem ich mich hiermit nochmals herzlich bedanken möchten für diesen gut organisierten Party !!!
After the very successfull edition of Thunderdome two weeks ago at the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht it was now again time to travel to the city of Rotterdam once more to visit the next spectacular event: A Nightmare In Rotterdam - Enter the Timemaschine, beeing held at the Ahoy. For this big event Mid-Town was able to present a great line-up with many famous artist devided over two areas. So with everything set for a great night again, Ron, Volker and I got on the road and arrived at the Ahoy after two hours of driving. The parking was for free, and so I immediately made my way to the vip entrance.
On my way in I could hear that the guys Vince vs. Panic started their performance with Evil Activities & DJ Panic - Never Fall Asleep, DJ Vince - Here Comes The Pain, Art Of Figheters - Bombermen, DJ Dione - Energy Overload, het nieuwe E-Noid - I Don't Give A Damn (Nosferatu Remix), Neophyte & Evil Activities - Put It To Music, DJ Dione & Dr Z-Vago - Depth Of Bass, DJ Bike - Bike's Drum, D-Passion - Put Things Right, Evil Activities - Sick Of My Life and Hard Creation - We Won't Have It. It's always amazing and surprising to see what Vince & Panic can do with two turntables. Respect!!!
Next to come was the live performance of Marc Acardipane feat. The Ultimate MC from Frankfurt Germany. They continued to deliver a serious amount of hit-records, as tracks like Inferno Bros - Slaves To The Rave, Marshall Masters - Stereo Murder, Leathernecks - At War, Nasty Django - Hardcore Motherfucker, PCP - Drunken Piece Of Shit and Turbulence - Six Million Ways To Die all came flying by in one cool mix with a load of digital effects worked in between a very good first performance of this German Guy. During their perfomance I first saw the two massive lasers working in full effect. And even the lightshow wasn't amazing and there seemed to be almost any decoration, it was just right to focus the view on the impressive stage with the „Enter the Timemaschine“ cube in the middle of the stage !!!
After Marc Acardipane had cleared the stage, DJ Paul and DJ Neophyte started their battle with the well known Fuck Off - Offensive Intro and continued to deliver one hit record after another. Neophyte & Evil Activities - Bottoms Up, Neophyte & Evil Activities - Invasion, DJ Paul Elstak - I'm Hardcore Till I Die, DJ Paul Elstak - Ready For Judgement Day, DJ Nosferatu & Ophidian - Psychiatric Ass, Hard Creation - I Will Have That Power (Stunned Guys Remix) and DJ Paul & The Stunned Guys - Hardcore Taking Over
It now was time for the sound to go from the Present style of Paul Elstak & Neopyhte to the early Sounds at the Battle from The Viper and DJ Partyraiser. And even if this performance had a few little flaws, it was much better than the other performances I had seen from Partyraiser through out this year. Their choice of records fitted me also better than usually, as it included tracks like DJ Isaac - Bad Dreams (Remix), DJ Paul - Play My Game and DJ Isaac & The Viper - Trigga Finga. A good and solid performance of these two guys. came all flying by in a really fresh and kicking way. For me personally this was absolutely the best performance of the evening! Respect to Paul Elstak and Neopyhte for this great DJ-battle !!!
Coming up next was the live-performance of the Traxtorm Gangstaz Allied from Italy. Because I decided to walk through the hall to shoot some pictures I only caught a few bits and pieces of his set, including his own top productions The Stunned Guys - You Will Die, The Stunned Guys - Hymn, Tommyknocker - Revolution, Tommyknocker - Demolition, Art Of Fighters -Earthquake, Traxtorm Creatures Allied - Final Disposal Of Outer Power, and I can assure you that during their performance almost every single one was on his feet! I hereby bow my head for this great performance of Traxtorm Gangstaz Allied. For sure this half hour of Italian Hardcore was one of the highlights of this evening. The atmosphere was also getting better and better during this set. Respect to the Italian Hardcore-Junkies!!!
But after a short stop at a merchandise-stand, where you could buy almost anything from caps and shirts to the latest Nightmare Outdoor, I made my way back to the backstage area, because it was almost time for the set of Nosferatu vs. Predator. The dancefloor immediately became very crowded, when they opened their set with DJ Nosferatu - Unnacceptable (Endymion Remix) followed by a track called DJ Nosferatu - Language Of Rhytm and many other early floorfillers like Chosen Few - The Name Of The DJ, Diss Reaction - Jiieehaaaa, Wedlock - I'm The Fuck You Man, Predator - Mind Of A Lunatic, Vanugenth The 5th - Here we Go again and Tiny Tot - Discoland (DJ Isaac Remix) !!!
One of the two reasons I didn't want to miss this event was the Now following live-act: Evil Activities !! These three guys from Rotterdam took over the place immediately, just by screaming the two words Do You Like Bass, which obviously was going to be the opening-track of their performance. What followed was an half hour filled with Almost every hit record they made the last years, like One Of These Days, Bigger Than Ever, MCs & Djs, Never Sleep Again and State Of Emergency. At this time of the evening the sound level was at its maximum and the atmosphere at its peak !!!
Following Evil Activities live-act, Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo started their battle, which contained a lot of cool mixing and a huge number of hit records, like Critical Mass - Burnin Love (DJ Weirdo & DJ Sim Remix), DJ Dione - Pain Till I Die, DJ Mad Dog - I Love Hardcore, Bigger Than Ever, G-Town Madness & The Viper - Here It Comes, The Stunned Guys & Tommyknocker - Your Choice, The Masochist - Killing The Remix, Live At London, Wonderfull Days, Menace 2 Society - Chronic Disorder and Project Omeaga - Prednison !!!
The honour to finish off this event with their harder early sounds had Neophyte aka Bodylotion. But because Ron & Volker and I were already too drunk to maintain to the end, I only caught a glimpse of their performance on my way out. I heard them play Make You Dance, No Worries, Fuck Martina, Mellow Moenie Mauwe and Ik Wil Hakke !!!
To bring this report to an end, all I've got left to say is that this Edition of A Nightmare in Rotterdam was a complete success - great location, great music, great artists and a great atmosphere, free parking and toilets and a firm but always firendly security staff. See ya all next year on the next edition !!!
Am 09-09-2006 fand im Recreatiegebied Binnenmaas in Mijnsheerenland die diesjährige Ausgabe der “A NIGHMARE OUTDOOR” statt. Wie schon im letzten Jahr (28-05-2006 Hoek van Holland) wurde im Vorfeld noch mehr Show, noch mehr Laser und noch mehr Party versprochen. Das Line up konnte sich auf jedenfall sehen lassen so das für jeden Fan der härteren Gangart das Event absolut gerecht werden sollte. Über 44 Artisten sollten auf fünf verschiedenen Ebenen das Publikum so richtig in Stimmung springen. Im Line up waren u.a. Paul Elstak, Neopyhte, D-Passion, Lenny Dee, Scott Brown, Tommyknocker, Nosferatu, Buzz Fuzz, Tha Playah, Dione und Partyraiser vertreten und als Live Acts sollten u.a. Rotterdam Terror Corps, Angerfist und Offensive für gute Stimmung sorgen.
Gegen 22:00 Uhr machten wir uns auf dem Weg und nach einer fast 3- stündigen Autofahrt inklusive einer Autobahnsperrung wegen einer Baustelle und einer 60km langen Irrfahrt über die Autobahn kamen wir endlich gegen 01:00 Uhr in Mijnsheerenland an. Am Festival erwarteten uns schon eine hupende Autoschlangen, mit überwiegend aus holländischen Kennzeichen, die es auch nicht erwarten konnten endlich aufs Gelände zu kommen. Nach Zuweisung eines Park-platzes (Parkplatz = 5_) machten wir uns auf die Suche zum Busshuttle welcher uns dann zum eigentlichen Eingang fahren sollte. Problem daran war nur das wir keinen Busshuttle sehen konnten und wir die fast 2km lange Strecke bis zum Eingang zu Fuß antreten sind.
Am Festival angekommen machten wir uns auf die Suche um den richtigen Eingang (Press / Guest / Vip) zu finden. Gegen 01:45 Uhr und einem kurzen Check durch die Security standen wir dann endlich mitten in der neuen Party Location. Als erstes sind wir zu den Schließfächern gegangen um dort unsere Ausrüstung bzw. Jacken abzugeben. (Preis: 10€ inklusive 5€ Pfand). Danach erst einmal zur Bonkasse wo man für 9 Tokens 10€ bezahlen musste. Außerdem gab es wieder Extra Tokens wen man etwas essen wollte. (Preis: 1 Token = 1€). Nicht gerade billig aber üblich für solche größeren Veranstaltungen in den Niederlanden. Die Toiletten dagegen konnten kostenlos benutzt werden. In der Mitte des Festival Geländes stand wie schon auf der dies-jährigen Decibel Outdoor ein riesiger Baukran wo man für 50€ in den Himmel geschossen werden konnte. Party:Nach einem kurzen Rundgang über das Gelände gingen wir erst einmal zur Early Hardcore Stage wo Nosferatu noch bis 02:30 ein super Set drehte, bevor um 02:30 Dj Tommyknocker angefangen hat. Der Italiener überzeugte das Publikum mit vielen seiner alten produzierten Platten und man hat gemerkt wie die Stimmung immer besser wurde. Gegen 03:30 kurz bevor Tommyknocker seine letzte Platte auflegte sah man Jeron von Neopyhte auf die Stage kommen um zusammen mit Evil Activities als Masters of Ceremony den darauf folgenden Live Act anzutreten. Kurz darauf machten wir uns aber auf dem Weg zur Present Hardcore Area weil dort zur gleichen Zeit der Offensive Live Act geplant war den keiner von uns verpassen wollte. Dort angekommen war D-Passion mit dem Ende seines Sets beschäftigt. Rechts daneben sah man schon wie Dj Paul, Firestone und Mc Allee sich auf den folgenden Live Act vorbereitet hatten. Diesmal leider ohne Mc Ruffian der für Q-Dance auf der Q-Base 2006 vertreten war. Mit Mc Allee wurde aber ein guter Ersatz gefunden. Der Offensive Live Act sorgte wieder einmal dafür das die Stimmung unter den Partyfreaks rasant anstieg und sich dabei das Party Zelt mehr und mehr füllte. Ein gelungener Auftritt von Paul, Danny & Mc Allee obwohl ich der Meinung war das man an der Atmosphäre merken konnte das Mc Ruffian nicht dabei war.
Langsam bekamen wir alle ein leichtes Hungergefühl und deshalb machten wir uns auf dem Weg zu den Imbiss Buden wo man u.a. Pommes, Hotdogs, Frikadellen & Hamburger angeboten bekommen hat. Die Preise dafür waren total übertrieben wen man bedenkt das man für eine Portion Pommes 3 Foottoken hinlegen musste bzw. 3_ dafür bezahlt hat. Früher hat man auch keine 6 Mark bzw. 6,50 Gulden für ne kleine Portion bezahlen müssen. Nachdem wir uns etwas gestärkt hatten sollte nun gleich das letzte Highlight dieser Partynacht beginnen. Auf der vor-jährigen Nightmare Outdoor am Strand von Hoek van Holland wurde dieses Auftreten zum besten letzt- jährigen Act gewählt als der Godfather Dj Paul mit Dj Panic & Dj Lars zusammen das Forze Dj Team bildeten. Diesmal sollte dieses DJ Team 2 Stunden lang den Abschluss einer bis dahin fetten Nightmare Outdoor hinlegen. Richtig gelungen ist es Ihnen aber nicht da man den Eindruck hatte das sich nicht viel geändert hat zum letzt- jährigen Auftritt. Gegen 06:10 Uhr ging ich alleine zur Present-Hardcore Area wo Dj Partyraiser den Abschluss machte und wo das Publikun noch mal alles aus sich heraus holen konnte. Partyraiser‘s Set war wieder einmal Top - kurz gesagt „HART“...!!!
Die Aufteilung der Location gefiel mir persönlich gesagt überhaupt nicht, da es die meiste Zeit vor der Outdoor Stage zu überfüllt war und man deswegen einen schlechten Blick auf die Stage hatte. Die Outdoor Stage an sich war gut gelungen vor allem die gute Lasershow konnte sich sehen lassen. Nicht so gut war das direkt rechts neben der Bühne eine Getränkebar stand und es deshalb oft zu einem Stau gekommen ist. Typisch für die Nightmare Outdoor Partys wurden wieder die großen Kreuze aufgestellt die für einen perfekten Anblick gesorgt haben. Die verschiedenen Area‘s konnte man gut erkennen da jeweils neben den Eingängen riesige Info Planen angebracht worden sind. Auf dem kompletten Festival Gelände wurde nicht nur musikalisches einiges geboten sondern auch eine Art Hardcore Markt errichtet wo u.a. der Merchandise- und der Partypix Stand waren, genauso wie die Essensmeile und allerlei anderer kleinen Highlights. Negativ dagegen war wieder einmal das man für die Foot Tokens viel zu lange anstehen musste und das die Toiletten zu überfüllt waren. Ansonsten kann man sagen das der Veranstalter Mid-Town Records & UDC wieder einmal für eine gute Nightare Outdoor gesorgt hatten. Vielleicht sollte man die Party nächstes Jahr besser wieder am Strand von Hoek van Holland organisieren, da ich der Meinung bin das diese Location besser dafür geeignet ist.
22:00 - 00.00 Sjek He told me his set was going to be a two hour early hardcore set, which is always super. It’s my favourite style. He asked me if I want to whatch him from the turntables, because no one else of the group was arrived yet. Offcourse I would like that.He turned I nice set whit offcourse the Charlie S mini mix: Prednison attack - braincracking - killing scum - voel je die bass - first rebirth - Don't touch that stereo. And lot’s of other good numbers like Pesa pesa, Thrillseeker, Listen, Terror is timeless, Yiehaa (always nice).
00:00 - 01:00 Neophyte After Sjek it was time for the man himself Neophyte. It sounded great, he played also a nice set whit plates like XTC love, We are still here and lots of other great plates. It was very hot in that area…. They should do something about that. I started to get a little hungry so we went to the cafeteria to eat something.
01:00 - 02.00 Sceletor Back to the other erea, where Sceletor was behind the wheels of steel. He turned good, but not my style. Numbers like Fuck what you heard, Where's your head putted me on the move.
02:00 - 03.00 Highlander Time for Highlander, time for more early hardcore. I listend 45 minutes of his set en they sounded great, Yiehaa, Bad dreams, Dance and other terriffic plates where pomping out the speakers.
02:45 - 04:00 Panic Still we decided to watch Panic, one of my favourite DJ’s. On Pinksterparty he was super and tonight he showed me again why I love his style.The heat in the area, I didn’t care anymore for it. Numbers like Kingdom, EXLXAXL, Chronic disorder are few of the nice records he played, and who putted me dancing my legs to a lot of pain. But it was really worth it!!
04:00 - 05:00 Paul Elstak Paul Elstak & MC Ruffian. Also a favourite of me.They gave me a super show to. I thouhgt I would be to exhousted to dance any more, but when you hear the music your adrenaline get’s you moving again. Again a terrific set whit: Prednison attack, I will have that power Stunnend Guys remix, The Viper minimix: prednison attack - braincracking - brohymn and more good shit.
Last year it was from 18.00 till 01.00 in one small tent, which was allready a great party. This year their are 4 area’s en it’s from 13.00 till 01.00, sow it had to be a great party!!
At 14.15 we arrived, parked the car for 5,00€ near the festival place and looked arround. First get some drink tokens, 5 tokens for 9,00€ which is cheap for a festival. Also a toilet stamp so you can go to the toilet all day for only 2,00€. The toilets where clean and you could flush them. At the festival there where also lockers, so you could save your stuff for later at the day on a safe place.
14.30 - 15.30 SJEK
The first DJ we went to visit is a friend of us: DJ SJEK. It was early at the day so it was very quiet in the X-FACTOR AREA. There was no vibe yet, a lot of people where standing still… including me. But when DJ SJEK putted his last record on the table everybody started to dance! The Prednison attack mix: Prednison attack - killing scum - fisrt rebirth - braincracking - don't touch that stereo was pomping out the speakers. Everybody went crazy!
15.30 - 15.45 RELOAD-R
After DJ SJEK we went outside to the MAINSTAGE where RELOAD-R was showing his skills. It sounded very good !!!
15.45 - 18.00 ERNESTO vs TAA
We listend a while to RELOAD-R but desided to go to the SHADOWBLASTER AREA where I would be the most of the day. ERNESTO vs TAA where behind the ‘wheels of steel’ Some nice songs where turned like The First Rebirth, Thrillseeker. The volume was perfect and the people where nice. I started to get hungry, so we went to buy food tokens and ordered our meal. You could get what ever you want, from healthy to fast food. After we finished our meal we went back to the SHADOWBLASTER AREA.
18.00 - 18.30 TANGO & CASH
The next DJ on the Time Table is BUZZ FUZZ, but there was a little change. TANGO & CASH replaced BUZZ FUZZ who is going to turn later whit BASS-D. TANGO & CASH started and it was ok, but not super.
18.30 - 19.00 SHADOWLANDS TERRORIST live
Sow we decided to go to the MAIN STAGE where SHADOWLANDS TERRORIST where going to give their show. And a show it was. MC SYCO told us JDA had a hobby: stage diven !! Sow he said: “Leon if you have the guts, you go stage dive right now”. The people on the floor where going to the front to catch him. That was so cool! The numbers I heard: Party kickin’ time, Voel je die bass always good!!
19.00 - 19.30 TANGO & CASH
Back to the SHADOWBLASTER AREA where TANGO & CASH where still showing there skills. It sounded better then before SHADOWLANDS TERRORIST. The viper minimix: Prednison attack - Braincracking – Brohymn and lots of other nice records we heard and we danced our ace’s of at the end of the set.
19.30 - 20.30 DJ VINCE
Time for the Mixmaster DJ VINCE, it’s always a pleasure when he is playing. He started very slow, but it was getting better allready. He turned a nice set !!!
20.30 - 22.00 PANIC vs DR.RUDE
For this set we had to went outside again. The sun was shining and the next two DJ’s coming up are two DJ’s I whas waiting for all day. PANIC vs DR.RUDE. The gave a huge show. There was also an actor spitting fire, that was amazing to see. This was one of the better sets today.
Time for another hero if it’s about early rave music. Godfather PAUL ELSTAK & MC RUFFIAN. It was a nice set whit a lot of good records. The hole set I’ve been dancing. I couldn’t stop moving my feet.
00.00 - 01.00 ROB & MC JOE
The last act for today was outside at the MAIN STAGE. DJ ROB & MC JOE, also always candy for your ears. The last energie in me I gived on this set. Numbers like Hardcore vibes, Alcoholic party, All up whit your fucking fingers, Slaves to the rave where pomping out the speakers. During their show there was some firework en flames… Now the party was really ended en we went home whit a big smile on our face..
This year Pinksterpar-t was a great succes again. The music was great, the people where kind and the weather was nice. Big respect for PAR-T Events !!!
The Vechtsebanen was, once again, the location for this event. You could say that the Location Vechtsebanen is the homebase of D2E. It’s quite a big building which can host something like 4000 people and you can get there easily by public transport. We arrived at 23 o’clock and after a quick search by the security we were in.
When we entered Attic & Cartel was busy playing a set with mostly records from 1997 - 1999, who are rarely played nowadays so it was nice to hear them again. "'Sound Enhancers", "Intelligent Hardcore", "The Legacy Continues", "The Hustle", "The Strong Survive", "Rattlebrain", "Bassmachine" & "Gangstershit" were some of the records he played, all nicely mixed and from time to time some cool scratching, as we’re used from Attic & Cartel. A cool set to warm up.
It already had become 00.00, so went up once more to listen to 'Mr. Shadowlands' himself, DJ Vince. And again, nobody had expected what Vince was about to lay down on them -mixing skills way beyond the ordinary and a choice of records, which not can be complained about! "Return To Zero", "Therapia", "Pessa Pessa", "For You Marlene", "Bonzai Channel One", "Thunderground", "French Connection", "Fly By Wire", "Killing Scum (Promo meets Shaolin Remix)", "Bad Dreams", "Deal With The Beats", "The 1st Rebirth", "Stereo Murder" & "Sounds Of Frustration" are the tracks I can remember.
Next one waiting in line to perform was Dj Paralizer. That turned out to be a wise choice, cause his set was really great. He opened it with the famous "Dreamgirl" in low tempo and continued with many other great tracks like "Ok Allright", "Gib Mir Die Bass".Next Dj Petrov was busy playing "Here We Go Again", "No Newstyle", "Outside World", "Frequencies", "Cold As Ice", "What The Fuck Are U Laughing at". Another great set from the man. Following next was the live - performance of Human Resource.
Now it was time fot another reason that made this edition of Ghosttown 2006 so special. Nosferatu vs. Ruffneck. The Tracks are "Fire & Blood", "6.48 Minutes 2 D'Spyre", "Black die de soep inliep", "Stay Back!", "Failure", "The Great Strife", "Braincracking", "Real Hardcore", "Music Gets Your Drunk", "The Future", "Ruffneck!", "Pop Goes Da Pistol", "LSD User Remix", "Rock With Me", "White Line", "Ruff Destruction", "Evolution Theory", "Ganjaman", "Yes, No", & "Love Is You". For me personally this was absolutely the best performance of the evening! Respect to Ruffneck & Nosferatu for this great Dj Battle.
After him, because Paul Elstak and MC Ruffian had begun their performance just a few minutes ago. A great set to begin our journey back to the good old days with many many famous records, for example "Hardcore Taking Over", "Thrillseeka", "98 To Piano", "909 Trauma", "Brohymn", "The Horror", "Gib Mir Die Bass", "Atmosfera", "Get The MF" & "Up yours". And weren't the only ones who thought so, according to the crowd, that was tearing the roof down, if you know what I mean?! And as a special he made everybody freak out by playing 'You're a Hardcore-Hooligan' to end his set - He simply knows what everybody wants to hear.
Following next was the the live - performance of Marc Acardipane feat. The Ultimate Mc & Da TMC, definately the Highlight II of this evening. Marc playing "HC Motherfucker", "Slave 2 the Rave remix", "Don't touch that Stereo" & "Six Million Ways to Die".
To come to my conclusion I have to say that Dance2Eden definately did a great job organizing this event-a nice location with an amazing light-and lasershow, a massive line-up with many top DJ's and an always good and friendly atmosphere can let you almost forget the fact that again the sound could have been much better and harder. But the great sets from Paul Elstak, Vince & Nosferatu as well as the cool live - performance of Marc Acardipane made this to another successfull into the middle of Holland.
Well, here is my report from Hardcore Gladiators (Dutch Edition by Rige Entertainment), as I am making them a lot the last few months.
By circomstances i was almost obliged to go, and because of this i travelled to the peppermill at about ten o’clock.
21.30 – 22.30 DJ Bass
when I arrived at the Peppermill this man had already started spinning his records. I didn’t expect much from it, but it sounded quite allright. Records such as Nosferatu & Ophidian – Psychiatric Ass, The Viper & Tommyknocker – The Prophecy Unfolds (Tha Playah Remix), Nosferatu & Endymion – Nothing is What it Seems and Human Resource – Dominator (Stunned Guys Remix) passed. It was a nice entrance, so this evening was promising. The sound system also sounded great, so in the beginning everything was super.
22.30 – 23.30 Baby Raw & DJ Ron
Now it was time for the resident-dj’s from the only Real Hardcore Gladiators, from the German PTP-entertainment, the team Baby Raw & DJ Ron. DJ Ron pleased me very much at the first Dutch edition of Hardcore Gladiators, so I was looking forward to it. Records such as Tommyknocker – Nocturnal Rituals, Bass-D & King Matthew – The Genesesis (Masters of Hardcore 2006 anthem), the wonderful song The Masochist – LDMF, the even beter Masters of Ceremony – A Way Of Life (DJ Promo Remix) and Tommyknocker – Twist were well accepted by the audience. This was also a very nice set.
23.30 – 00.00 Angerfist Live
Well, I hadn’t seen them live since Hardcore United on the 25th of June 2005, so I thought it would be fun to seem them once again. The act on itsself was very nice to see once more, but the dancefloor got too crowded, so that was a bit frustrating. They started with a few bad tracks from their new album Pissin Razorblades, i a wannabe-frenchcore style, but after that they played a few older songs, such as Ultra Rebel, Yes, Stainless Steel, Fuck Off, and the better songs from their new album My Critic Fetish and Dortmund ’05. Unfortunately they were interrumpted by more trash in their new style. I was happy to notice that Promo was ready to take over the wheels of steel. Angerfist saw Promo too, and they played Loser (this record has the vocal ‘Promo Is Full Of Shit’), which was a bit childish.
00.0 - 01.00 DJ Promo
I was afraid he was gonna play his dark Third Movement style again, because I still want to see him play in his older File-style. He started with D-Passion – Put Things Right, Dr Z-Vago – My Destiny, and Ophidian & Tapage – The Mine. After that he changed course and played exactly what I wanted to hear. Records from the man himself such as Promo – King of Pain, Promo – Among the best and Promo – Counter Attack, were exactly the tracks I wanted to hear, respect for this DJ. After that he started playing a little louder, I heard Dione – Come Here And Die, Tommyknocker – Finally and Promo – Messin With Yo Mind. After this he played his new remix from Masoko Solo – Pessa Pessa (the Promo Remix so) . After that I heard Alex B & Promo – Bij Gebrek Aan Beter, G-Shock – Demons (Promo Remix) and Phreak Ya Speakah. In my opinion this was the set of the evening.
01.00 – 01.45 Negative A
After this it was time for some harder shit. The grandmaster from DNA Records, Negative A, was announced by MC RtSier and started a little slow with Rave Creator – At-Mos-Fear. It was a nice set, with songs such as Negative A & Darkcontroller – Hard Vitality, Dr Z-Vago – Hate Me, en Project Omeaga – Prednison Attack. It was a bit disappointing that the sound system couldn’t handle his force, the volume stayed the same, but the woofers were peeping.
01.45 – 02.15 Rotterdam Porno Corps Live
Somebody kill this act. It was the second time I saw them, and the second time I really didn’t like them, it was really fucked up. Bad songs such as Are You Prepared To Die and We’re Gonna Blow Your Mind, and more of that garbish passed. The ladies were also not very interesting. This was a bit old, outdated, not nice, and I wonder how they still can be alive. Their last record was the only good song, Raveworld, but this act was very bad. The crowd liked it though, cause it was again very crowded, en people seemed to enjoy it. The sound was also very bad.
02.15 – 03.00 Dione vs Distortion
Distortion (From RTC) and Dione together were very good though. Dione played a lot of his own productions such as Pain Till I Die, The Way Is Shut, Eye Of The Storm, We Are Still Here, Born To Raise Hell, Depth Of Bass (Together with Z-Vago). Other records were Dr Z-Vago – Underground, My Sound, Tommyknocker – Nocturnal Rituals, Menace 2 Society – Chronic Disorder and Dione – Oh God (SRB Remix). This was very nice after the so-called Rotterdam Terror.
03.00 – 03.45 Partyraiser
This sounded also very crappy, he fucked up the sound again, by pumping up the volume even higher. Last time @ Earthquake in the Peppermill I thought he was cool, but this time he played almost exactly the same with records such as Angerfist – Yes and Too Weird Too Die, and Day-Mar – Fucking Motherfucking Slit, and more of that kind. It was also shit that there were a few people who thought they had to pogo during his sit, so there was only room for 10 lumberjacks.
03.45 – 04.15 Endymion Live
This was very great. They started with Payback, and after that they played their first new song, Paranoid. I hear both versions of Project Hardcore (Anthem & Pro Evolution Mix). Further I heard an Endymion Remix from The Prodigy – Smack My Bitch Up. Another new song was Causing Confusion. After that the welknown Pussy Motherfuckers was played. Then it was time for their last new track, Petrifraction. The new songs sounded very cool. The live-act on itsself was also nice to see in a smalle location such as the Peppermill. At the end Rock The Party and Drunk With A Gun were played. Best live-act of the evening, with a good lead.
04.15 – 05.00 Paul Elstak
This was the last DJ, and he played a little standard, always the same set. Records such as The Viper – Blow Tha Club Down, Evil Activities & Panic – Never Fall Asleep, Paul Elstak & JDA – Hardcore BY Nature, JDA – Voel Je Die Bass, Stunned Guys & Tommyknocker – Your Choice and Neophyte – Je Moet Je Muil Houwe. Last record I heard this evening was Hard Creation – I Will Have That Power.
After the great success of the last "Shadowblaster", beeing held at De Steeg in Leunen, it was now time for this event to move to a new venue. The Club Jinx in Deurne was chosen to be the host for the first edition of Shadowblaster in 2006. This club had everything that would make this event worth remembering - a great crowd which created the proper atmosphere, great light shows and a good sound system. Besides that the line-up included a lot of big names to make sure this night would be great, like for example The Viper, Catscan & Sceletor, Paul Elstak & MC Ruffian and of course the unique performance of the "Helmond Posse" - Ernesto, X-Razz, DJ Vince and MC D.
When Marcel, Volker, Ronny and myself arrived at about twelve o' clock, the Jinx was already filled to the last spot with enthusiastic party peoople that were jumping to the last tracks of Catscan's battle against Sceletor. By the time we all were in, DJ The Viper was already preparing evereything for his set, which he started with "Unknown", a very old record from DJ Promo. What then followed was a serious ammount of old and new hit records, like "Atmos-Fear" "Buck 'em Down", "A Way Of Life(promo rmx)", "Masenka", "You Will Die", "Blow The Club Down", "The Thousand Faces Conspiracy", "Heradbanger's Theme", "Here Comes The Pain", "Murder", "Fuck The Titties(viper & tommyknocker rmx)", "Domination", "Be Hurt" , "Never Fall Asleep", "Skullcrack(dione rmx)", "Loose Control", "Hardcore Junkie", "Take Me Up", "Army Of Hardcore" and "De Ondergrond". Towards the end of his set DJ Vince scratched a few tracks into Viper's mix, what made it sound really crazy-cool. After all a very nice perfor- mance of DJ The Viper.
It had already become 2 o' clock and this meant it now was time for something special: the very unique performance of the "Helmond Posse", a.k.a. Ernesto, X-Razz, DJ Vince and MC D. And they delivered a massive performance with a lot of cool scratching and a huge variation of kicking Hardcore-Traxx, like "Master Symphony", "Exlaxl(neophyte & evil activities rmx)", "Danse Macabre", "Todesvögel", "The Ruler Of Cool", "The Mine", "Hey(2002rmx)", "Top A Top", "Phreak Ya Speaka", "Eye Of The Storm", "Keep Da Party Going On", "Pussy MF", "Pessa Pessa", "Born 2 Raise Hell", "Disease", "Fingherz", "Butterfly VIP", "Shotgun(aof re- loaded)", "Mindfull Candy", "G-Member", "Twist", "Tales Of Jealousy(dj mad dog rmx)", "On A Mission", "Finally" and "Oh God(srb rmx)". This performance had almost everything to offer what the crowd wanted to hear, so I am really looking forward to see another one of these "Turntable-Maniacs"!
Last but not least it was time for "The Godfather" himself to step behind the turntables - DJ Paul Elstak recieved the honour to finish off another edition of Shadowblaster togehter with the worlds greatest MC, MC Ruffian. And again they did a really nice job by playing the shit that the party people wanted to hear. A lot of great tracks like "Here Comes The Prozac", "Your Choice", "The Way Is Shut", "state Of Emergency", "One Day", "Still Wasted", "May I Fuck My Wife", "Enemies For Life", "One Of These Days", "Hardcore By Nature", "Muil Houwe" and as finisher the Evil Activities Remix of Paul's "I Am A God". So again these two delivered the right ingridients to let this night end properly. And after a little talk with Paul we had no- thing left to do but drive home knowing that we were again part of a great event.
I really hope that this will not be the last party beeing held at the Jinx, because this club had everything to offer that the true Hardcore-Heads need for a great party: an amazing good audience, great light- and lasershows and a kicking hard soundsystem. So I we will see you soon back at Club Jinx!!!
After a very successfull edition of "X-Factor - 3 year anniversary" in Culemborg this January, it was now time for the next edition "X-Factor - Bigger, bolder & better"of this event beeing held at the Time Out Gemert, near Helmond.
At the entrance it was very relaxed and we even didn't got searched by the security on our way in. So, without any further delay we went straight into Area 1, where Tommyknocker was about to finish his performance. His set included almost every of his most successfull productions, like "Revolution", "Twist", "The Prophecy Unfolds", "Nocturnal Rituals", "Domination", "Shogun" as well as some actual floorfillers like "Angel", "Keep Them Titties Jumpin' (a brandnew remix)", "You Will Die", "Your Choice", "Never Fall Asleep" and as finisher his latest co-production "Step Into Our World", which he made together with Unexist, again another very popular Italian.
Now it was time for the performance of Tha Playah. His set included almost every new hit that this kid produced over the last month, from "Bling Bling", "Blast tha crowd" and "Fuck the titties" (Viper & Tommyknocker Remix) over "Rule of cool" to "If you want it like that", "Weird clit" (Neophyte & Evil Activities Remix) and a cool track called "I call tha shots". With a load of digital effects worked in between a very good performance of this youngster.
We returned to the Main Area just in time to catch the beginning of the Rotterdam Terror Corps live-performance, again with the great Rtsier! And even their performance stayed the same over all these years with all the familiar tracks like "We Gonna Blow Your Mind", "The Music Is Too Much", "Schizophrenic", "Are You Prepared To Die", "United Gabbers Of Rotterdam" and "Raveworld", they still manage to keep the party pumping! This time they even played their latest tracks "The Legacy" and "Hardcore In Mijn Ooren" "Hardcore Gladiators". Once again a great live-performance they delivered!
After the live act, Paul Elstak & MC Ruffian entered the stage and started their great set with a slightly changed version of the well-known "Offensive-Intro", followed by many many floorfillers like "The Way Is Shut", "Furious Anger", "I'm Hardcore till i Die", "One Day (We Kill 'Em All)", "Here Comes The Prozac", "Bigger Than Ever", "Blow Da Club Down", "Pain Till I Die", "Now's The Fucking Time", "Misery", "I Am A God (E.A.Remix)", "I Will Have That Power", "To All You Hardcore Motherfukers" and "You're A Hardcore Hooligan". Honestly, I almost didn't see a single person standing still during the complete set, simply awesome how these two guys get the crowd going again and again with their performance!
Now there was only one name left on the timetable, and what great one: Partyraiser, he started with the sample "Let's Get Ready To Rumble!!!", followed by a serious amount of records like "Lines Got Crossed", "Assasins", Bonehead's "From The Netherlands", "Loser" from Proto X as well as "Death Row", "At War Again (Unexist & Lenny Dee remix)" and the superb "Adrenochrome" from Negative A, the one with the sample from Fear & Lothing In Las Vegas - kortom: BEUKEN BEUKEN BEUKEN!
So with all the special acts, great music and an even greater atmosphere throughout the evening I can say that my first visit to the Time Out definately wasn't my last! This unique location with its fantastic lightshow and many plasmascreens all over the place has got everything that's needed to celebrate many many more Hardcore-Parties in the future. Thanx and respect again to the X-Factor Organisation and "The Godfather Of Hardcore" - Paul Elstak.
After the very successfull "A Nightmare In Rotterdam - Welcome To Wonderland" and DJ Dione's funny Birthday-Party it now was time to travel into the heart of the German "Ruhrgebiet" once more to be a part of the 6th edition of PTP's most popular event "Hardcore Gladiators", beeing held at the Turbinenhalle, which has become famous throughout the last years for its amazing sound system. Besides that PTP had put together a great lineup with many big names of the scene, like The Stunned Guys, Masters Of Ceremony(live), Outblast, Paul Elstak, Offensive live, Shadowlands Terrorists, J.D.A., Day-Mar, Drokz, Akira, DJ Rob & MC Joe and many others devided over the four areas so that everybody's needs were pleased.
So once again I picked up my buddies Marcel, Ron and Volker and togehter we got on the road towards Oberhausen where we arrived at the Turbinenhalle at 01:00 after 90 minutes of driving. We didn't have to wait a single minute at the entrance and so we directly entered the main hall, where The Stunned Guys had already begun their performance. They really played a nice set with many familiar tracks like "Revolution", "Your Choice", "The Prophecy Unfolds", "Domination", "The 1000 Faces Conspiracy", "You Will Survive" and "Project Hardcore (anthem mix)". A really great set to kick off this party if you ask me.
Next one waiting in line to perform was DJ Lenny Dee, who had surprised me with his performance on "A Nightmare In Germany" in Bochum earlier this year. So instead of checking out the other areas I stayed in the main hall. That turned out to be a wise choice, cause his set was really great. He opened it with the famous "Psychatric Ass" in low tempo and continued with many other great tracks like "Cameltoe", "Beat Is Coming", "Princess Of The Posse", "Alkaline 3DH (catscan rmx)", "White Fluids Of DNA", "Bang With The Beat", "Exlaxlxl", "Butterfly VIP", "Frustrated Motherfuckers", "The Future Priests Of Now" and Promo's "I Called You". Another great set with a dark touch from the little man.
After Lenny Dee it was time for the life-performance of the Masters Of Ceremony.
They began with the all-time-classic "Braincracking", followed by an interlude of Rage against the Machine's "Killing In The Name Of" before they continued their set with "Loose Control", "One Of these Days" and "MC's & DJ's".
But because I had heard this more than once on the last events, I decided to take a look at the Darkcore/Industrial area, where Day-Mar was rocking the decks. Her style was really kicking as she perfectly spinned tracks like "Eye Of The Storm", "That's My Mood Now", "Kocksukker Fuck You (rmx)", "Fucking Retard" and "Hoe's and Discos" into each other. Also the sound level in this area was even more kicking than in the main hall.
After my return to the main hall I went searching the others. I found them right in front of the stage. The reason why the gathered here was obvious: the performance of DJ Paul Elstak. To our surprise he played a much harder set than usual, containing tracks like "Criminally Insane", "Never Scared", "Go Back To The Darkness", "Drugs 4 Fun", "Payback", "The Agency", "The 1000 Faces Conspiracy", "Here Comes The Prozac", "Pain Till I Die", "Blow The Club Down", "Up Yours", "The Way Is Shut", "Furious Anger", "Rage (rmx)", "Still Wasted", "Phreak Ya Speaka", "May I Fuck My Wife" and I Am A God (e.a. rmx)".
But that wasn't all, cause after this amazing DJ-set Paul, Ruffian and Firestone conquered the stage for their famous Offensive live-act, which started with the new version of the Offensive-Intro, followed by "Enemies For Life", "One Day We Kill 'em All", "In Your Face", "Ready For Judgement Day", "Hardcore Till I Die", "Hardcore By Nature", "I Wish You Were", "Bombing Eardrums" and "You're A Hardcore Hooligan". Not necessary to say that these two performances were definately the best of the evening. I again pay all my respect to the whole Offensive-crew!
DJ Outblast took over the wheels of steel afterwards and laid down a good mainstyle-set with tracks like "Keep Da Party Going On", "The Mine", "Get A Little Stupid", "Revolution", "Dominator", "The Next Level", "Ruler Of Cool", "Breath", "Resistance Is Futile", "Zoo", "Hardcore Junkie", "None Of Ya Left", "My Way", "Bone Crusher" and Angerfists "With The Fresh Style". A standard set, really nothing beyond the ordinary.
After Outblasts performance I went across the Turbinenhalle to get some food. I also went pass the merchandise stands, where I bought me a new cappie by the way. And after I had something warm in my stomach I went back to the main hall to witness the performance of DJ J.D.A. His set started with the great "DNA Theory" from Dione and went on with many recent hits like "The 1000 Faces Conspiracy", "Kill The Rmx", "The Way Is Shut", "Do You Want More", "The Agency", "Pain Till I Die", "Demons", "We Are Still Here", "Alkaline 3DH (rmx)", "Hardcore By Nature", "Attack" and "Always A Jellyhead". A good set to finish off another successfull event for me. Even if there was another DJ left on the timetable (BabyRaw) I thought I had seen it all and made my way back to the car, where I had to wait another few minutes for the others before we finally left towards home.
To come to my conclusion I can say that this edition of "Hardcore Gladiators" was definately one of the best parties of this year. The amazing sound system in the Turbinenhalle, the great and always friendly atmosphere and some very great performances of Paul Elstak, Day-Mar and Lenny Dee made this event one that will be remembered for a long time! Thanx and respect to PTP-Entertainment for finishing this year with such a great party! See ya again on the next Hardcore Gladiators.
After the very successfull edition of Thunderdome two weeks ago at the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht it was now again time to travel to the city of Rotterdam once more to visit the next spectacular event: A Nightmare In Rotterdam - Welcome To Wonderland, beeing held at the Ahoy. For this big event Mid-Town was able to present a great line-up with many famous artist devided over two areas. So with everything set for a great night again, Marcel and I got on the road and arrived at the Ahoy after two hours of driving. The parking was for free, and so I immediately made my way to the guest-entrence.
On my way in I could hear that the guys from Endymion started their performance with "It's All Music", followed by several other hits like "Project Hardcore (anthem mix)", "Domination", "Rock-E-Party" and "Drunk With A Gun". They really manage to get the crowd infected with the Enzyme-Virus again and again. Another great performance.
Next to come was the performance of Neophyte & Evil Activities. They continued to deliver a serious amount of hit-records, as tracks like "A Way Of Life", "Aftermath", "", "The Hardest Remake", Bigger Than Ever", "Skullcrack", "Never Fall Asleep", "Your Choice", "Alles Kapot", "Do You Like Bass (playah rmx)", "MC's & DJ's", "De Ondergrond", "One Of These Days", "Exlaxl", "Always Hardcore" and "Be Quiet" all came flying by in one cool mix. During their perfomance I first saw the two massive lasers working in full effect. And even the lightshow wasn't amazing and there seemed to be almost any decoration, it was just right to focus the view on the impressive stage with it's two agressive looking smileys.
Now it was time for the live-performance of Tha Playah. His live-set included almost every smash-hit that this kid produced over the last years, from "Mastah Of Shock", "" and "Who Ya Rocking With" over "The Prophecy Unfolds" to "Fuck The Fame", "Rotterdam Nightmare" and a new cool track called "Hard Attack". With a load of digital effects worked in between a very good first performance of this youngster.
After him, Outblast was ready to bring his set down on the crowd. He started his set with the great "Antichrist", and continued with numerous other hits like "Dancefloor Hardcore", "State Of Emergency", "White Fluids Of DNA", "The Mine", "The Thousand Faces Conspiracy", "Get A Little Stupid", "Dominator", "Hardcore Junkie", "Resistance Is Futile", "None Of Ya Left", "Zoo", "My Way" and "Fuck Off" from Angerfist.
During this set we went across the whole Ahoy to have a quick look at all the stands that were put together to a little market in between the two areas. Next to all the stands there also was the "Techno-Dance", a cool Kermis-attraction, which was well-visited the whole night. After having seen all this, we quickly made our way back to the main hall to get some front-row places for Paul Elstak's performance.
Paul did great by opening his set not with the well-known Offensive-Intro. Instead he chose to open with "The Dark Side Of The Forze", followed by alomst everyone of his latest records like "One Day We Kill 'em All", "Go Back To The Darkness", "Like This (rmx)", "The Way Is Shut", "Rage", "A Taste Of Fear", "May I Fuck My Wife", "Up Yours", "Here Comes The Prozac", "Blow The Club Down", "To All You Hardcore Motherfuckers", "Furious Anger", "Thrillseeka", "I Am A God", "Headbanger's Theme", "Ready For Judgement Day", "There Is No Heaven" and of course the "Viper Minimix" and "You're A Hardcore Hooligan". Another great performance of the Godfather himself!
It now was already time for the last live-performance for tonite: Hollands most popular liv-act Angerfist. And even if i said otherwise in the past, this time they really got me jumping on their tracks like "The Motherfucking Syco", "The Fast Lane", "Dancing With The Wolves", "My Critic Fetish" and the great "Chronical Disorder", and I can assure you that during their performance almost every single one was on his feet! I hereby bow my head for this great performance of Angerfist!
We then went for another quick look-around through the Ahoy, when DJ Vince started his set with "Psychatric Ass" in very slow tempo. His set also included tracks like "We Are Still Here", "Your Choice", "Hard 2 Da Core", "Skullcrack", "I Don't Give A Damn", "On A Mission", "You Will Die", "Fingherz", "Kocksukker Fuck You" and "Eye Of The Storm". After all, nothing to complain about but also nothing beyond the ordinary.
The honour to finish off this event with their harder sounds had Jappo & Lancin- house. But because Marcel and I were already too drunk to maintain to the end, I only caught a glimpse of their performance on my way out. I heard them play "Smash", "Armed To The Teeth" and Welcome To The Darkness".
By the way I have to mention that the atmosphere in the Early Area was at least as good as in the main hall throughout the whole evening. I honestly can't remember most of the tracks that were played here, but I have to say that the performances of DJ Rob vs. Stanton and the amazing performance of DJ Panic really tore the roof off!
To bring this report to an end, all I've got left to say is that my first Nightmare in Rotterdam was a complete success - great location, great music, great artists and a great atmosphere, free parking and toilets and a firm but always firendly security staff. See ya all next year on the next edition!!!
"THUNDERDOME wants to make a statement to the world: Fuck bullshit, fuck the ignorant, fuck the law, fuck your boss, fuck racism, fuck people who tell you what to do, fuck smart-asses who think they're Hardcore, especially fuck your girlfriend, but most of all: FUCK YOU !!!!!"
Considering all the great parties that already came along this year (NightmareInGermany/ Ghosttown-BlueprintOfHardcore/ Q-Base/ MOH-dortmund/ RavingNightmare-10Years/ 15Years-PaulElstak) and they way how Q-Dance and ID&T promoted this event, could let you come to only one conclusion, and that's total excitement for this Saturday, the 3rd of December. The fact, that this would be my 1rst time to party at the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht made me even more excited than I already was. And of course not to forget all the great artists that had been booked for tonite, for example NoizeSuppressor, G-TownMadness, Endymion, Tommyknocker, Partyraiser, Tieum and Nosferatu. And as if that wouldn't have been enough, there also was the live-performance of Dr.Macabre, the man behind "Poltergeist" and "Ghoststories". It's been a very long time since I saw him perform the last time (a few years ago in the Peppermill). The only unpleasant thing was, that Marcel wasn't able to accompany me like usual because of a heavy injured knee - too bad. Fortunately it wasn't too hard to find someone to take his place, and so me and my buddy Ron got on the road to Utrecht where we arrived after 1,5 hours of driving at half past midnight. A few minutes and the usual security-check later we entered the main hall just in time for Dr.Macabre's live-act.
While we were still trying to get towards the stage, tracks like "Ghoststories", "Poltergeist", "The Hunter", "Danse Macabre" and "Chaos Effect" came out of the speakers - for me just the right way to get into the mood. At the end of his set we got us a big enough beer-supply to get through the next performance.
Next on the list was the performance of Catscan and Outblast together as Base Alert. They delivered a very nice set playing a great variety of records like Catscan's "Arp", "Ojeeoink", "Predator&Prey", "How Much Can You Take (catscan remix)", "Dominator (outblast&angerfist remix)", "Who's Next", "Killing Scum 2005", "Resistance Is Futile", "Zoo", "Exlaxlxl (e.a. remix)", "Phreak Ya Speaka", "My Way", "Alkaline 3DH (catscan remix)" and as last track "Attack" from Unexist - great finish! The only thing that bothered me towards the end of this set was that Catscan couldn't let his damn hands off the equalizer.
It was now time to go from Mainstream-Hardcore to the 'Underground of Thunderdome' like Drokz called it - Simon Underground to be exactly. But although his choice of records was cool (DoomzdayMechanics/PsychatricAss/Liberate/Antichrist/etc.), the way he put them together was not. Sure, he started slowly to increase the tempo towards the end, but at some parts it just didn't sound the way he wanted it to; at least that's what I think.
Time for me to take a look at the 2nd area, where Rob Gee was having a great time spinning various Early-Hits like "6 Million Ways To Die", "Ecstacy, You Got What I Need", "Realm Of Natas" and "Nonshlen Tustokken". But after 20 minutes I headed back towards the main hall, because according to the timetable the two guys from Noize Suppressor were already on the stage, which was crystal-clear the moment I heard everybody scream "I'm A Hardcore Junkie And I'm Dancing To The Beat!" through the entire hall. This track has definately become one of my actual favourites - no matter what party, when "Hardcore Junkie" spins is almost everyone on his feet! But not that this would have been the only great track they played during their 30 minutes-performance; "Thunderground (2004 remix)", "Fucking Asshole", the awesome "Bone Crusher", "Kaoss" and the 'Oldie, but Goldie' "Fingherz" came all flying by with some cool scratchings and digital effects. For sure this half hour of Italian Hardcore was one of the highlights of this evening. The atmosphere was also getting better and better during this set. Respect to the Italian Hardcore-Junkies!!!
And right were they stopped Tommy Marra alias Tommyknocker was able to push everybody even further. His set included almost every of his most successfull productions, like "Revolution", "Twist", "The Prophecy Unfolds", "Nocturnal Rituals", "Domination", "Shogun" as well as some actual floorfillers like "Angel", "Keep Them Titties Jumpin' (a brandnew remix)", "You Will Die", "Your Choice", "Never Fall Asleep" and as finisher his latest co-production "Step Into Our World", which he made together with Jappo a.k.a. Unexist, again another very popular Italian. Just like a few weeks ago on 'Judgement Day' in Bochum(Germany), it was almost impossible for me to stop jumping around right in front of the stage and the gigantic Wizard, that hung behind the dj and stared straight down on the crowd. I can only repeat myself and say that you better keep an eye on everything he has his fingers in - this guy has the potencial to become and to remain one of the big names in the hardcore-business.
Meanwhile the clock hadn't stop tickin' and the night kept getting shorter with as next one waiting in line. One Man/Half Machine - Drokz deedn't need to say anything more to introduce Hollands #1 Bad Ass in the harder hardcore-sound, DJ Partyraiser. Still remembering that brutal set he did at 'VanGod Los' and the interview he gave during the Thunderdome Special- Radioshow a week ago, in which he was asked if he had something special in mind for his 1st performance at Thunderdome, he only said one word: HARD!!! A perfect description for what he was about to do. He started with the sample "Let's Get Ready To Rumble!!!", followed by a serious amount of records like "Lines Got Crossed", "Assasins", Bonehead's "From The Netherlands", "Loser" from Proto X as well as "Death Row", "At War Again (Unexist & Lenny Dee remix)" and the superb "Adrenochrome" from Negative A, the one with the sample from Fear & Lothing In Las Vegas - kortom: BEUKEN BEUKEN BEUKEN! Even Wesley himself could not stand still behind the decks. In front of the stage the crazy crowd was about to tear the roof off when the next top artist took over the decks - DJ Tieum from France. He did the impossible and topped Partyraiser's set with his unique sound. He started with some remix of "Void Sector" and went on one record harder as the one before - "Bitch Sexuality", "The Missing Chromosome", "Intollerated Obsessions", "Liars", "De La Rue", a new remix of "Exlaxlxl" and of course not to forget another one of my actual favourites "Microtronic"; what an amazing track this is!!!
Now there was only one name left on the timetable, and what great one: NOSFERATU had the honour to infect the last hour of Thunderdome with the Enzyme-Virus. To my surprise I had ran into Erwin on the VIP-Deck earlier tonite. My chance to hear from himself what he was planning to play. Although he only said "Be Surprised", I already had a vague idea of how this night was going to end. And it turned out to be a good guess, as "Crispy Kick", "Disease", "Reformation", "A Journey Of Force", "The Mine", Ki-Real's "The Warning", "Blacklist Amok", "Get A Little Stupid", "The Way Is Shut", "Pain Is God" and as last one his breathtaking "Megamix 01" with LetThereBeHouse/ PsychatricAss/ RightHere,RightNow & PessaPessa. And you can trust me that I hadn't been the only one who wanted him to spin this track at the end, 'cause a lotta people went absolutely crazy for one last time before the turntables finally came to rest after 10 hours full of almost every type of Hardcore-Sound. I hereby bow my head for Nosferatu - he know what the crowd wanted and definately hit my nerv with his set.
To bring this report to an end I'll gather all the relevant facts: the Jaarbeurs turned out once more to be a really great location for these huge Hardcore-Parties and the organisators did a great job too by putting this edition of Thunderdome in a fresh new outfit. The gigantic wizard above the stage, an awesome light- and lasershow, the fire-fountains at each side of the stage and the cages hanging under the roof were really worth looking at. The only manko was the sound system. While the sound was clear and loud in front of the stage, the sound in the back of the hall was a bit crappy, but definately NOT as bad as many say it was. Besides that I can't think of another thing to complain about - firm, but always friendly security, enough FREE toilets, lots of different stands (food/ drink/ massage/ piercing/ merchandise), a lotta funny people, most of the time a great atmosphere and some really nice sets from NoizeSuppressor, Partyraiser, Tieum, Tommyknocker and Nosferatu in the main hall and DJ Uzi, Dr.Rude and The Viper in the Early-Area made this one to another great events of this year!
Oh and Ron, thanx for doing your part - it was really funny as hell with you [[ain't no party like a alcoholic party :-)]] - thanx to all the other party-people and see ya on the next THUNDERDOME!!!
On this friday, the 25th of November, the time had finally come to celebrate a real hardcore-party again at the place, where it all started for me almost 10 years ago: The Peppermill in Heerlen!!! And for this event, called Hardcore Gladiators, Rige Entertainment had put together an outstanding line-up devided over all four areas of the Peppermill with many top names of today, like Mainframe, Distortion, Paul Elstak, Endymion, Shadowlands Terrorists (live), Partyraiser, Dione, RTC (live), Angerfist (live), Waxweazle, Bass D, Plague, Noisekick (live) and many more. Some of these performances didn't take place that night according to the heavy weather that was going on outside all the night.
When Marcel and I entered the main hall of the Peppermill at about 22:45 DJ Distortion was rocking the decks and tracks like "Phreak Ya Speaka", "Tiny Sparks Of Air", "Rock The Place", "Showtime", "Pain Till I Die", "Eye Of The Storm", "Come Here And Die", "The Way Is Shut", "May I Fuck My Wife" and "Bombing Eardrums" came all flying by. What surprised us was that Distortion kept on playing till half past eleven allthough DJ Paul was scheduled to perform from eleven to twelve. From this point on the whole line-up was totally re-scheduled, because some artists like Endymion, Partyraiser and Angerfist, just to name a few, didn't have any chance to get to the Peppermill in time according to the heavy snowfall.
And so was it PTP's leading artist DJ Ron who took over the turntables from Distortion. He played a Mainstream-orientated set with al lot of hit records like "Still Wasted", "Ins-Per-Ation", "My Claime To Fame", "Killing Scum 2005", "If You Want It Like That", "Funky Beats", "Loose Control", "Project Hardcore 2005(anthem mix)", "Gutless", "The Prophecy Unfolds", "Your Choice", Revolution", "Viper's Minimix", "Never Fall Asleep", "Headz" and "Time To Make A Stand". With his set everybody had gotten into the right mood to party and so JDA didn't really have a problem to continue righ where DJ Ron had stopped.
Because JDA was later joined by the rest of the Shadowlands-Crew, DJ Vince and MC Syco, this performance kept on going and going for more than two hours, in which a massive ammount of pure hardcore was played. The tracks I can remember are "Arp", "Enemy On The Run", "Punishment Beyond Death", "The Middle Children", "A Way Of Life(promo remix)", "The 1000 Faces Conspiration", "Control The Party", "The First Rebirth", "On A Mission", "The Mine", "Blow The Club Down", "Men Of Teflon", "Twist", "Hard 2 Da Core", "Cameltoe", "Mindfull Candy", "Fingerprintz", "No Competition", "Skullcrack(dione remix)", "Shogun", "Revolution", "Wake Up", "The Way Is Shut", "WO III", "Butterfly", "Pain Till I Die", "Zoo", "We Are Still Here", "Showtime", "Bone Crusher", "Earthquake", "Attack", "Voel Je Die Bass" and "Still Standing Strong".
During the Shadowlands-performance we went across the other areas to catch a glimpse of what's going on there. In Area 2, the Ancient Spectacle, Waxweazle was creating a good atmosphere by spinning some older hits like "La Onda", "I Like It Loud", "Life Is Like A Dance" and many other of this kind. In Area 3, called The Dark Dungeons, DJ Rambo got everybody jumping with his raw terror sounds.
We returned to the Main Area just in time to catch the beginning of the Rotterdam Terror Corps live-performance, again with the great MC Raw! And even their performance stayed the same over all these years with all the familiar tracks like "We Gonna Blow Your Mind", "The Music Is Too Much", "Schizophrenic", "Are You Prepared To Die", "United Gabbers Of Rotterdam" and "Raveworld", they still manage to keep the party pumping! This time they even played their two latest tracks "The Legacy" and "Hardcore In Mijn Ooren". Once again a great live-performance they delivered!
Due to the abscence of Angerfist and Partyraiser, no other than Paul Elstak & MC Ruffian entered the DJ-stage at four o' clock to shake the walls of the Peppermill in the final hour of this event. And they pulled off a great set with many many hit records, like "Go Back To The Darkness", "One Day(we kill 'em all)", "Exlaxlxl(neophyte remix)", "Psychokiller", "Criminally Insane", "May I Fuck My Wife", "Up Yours", "Furious Anger", "Rage", "State Of Emergency", "Blow The Club Down", "Zombie", "Here Comes The Prozac", "Enemies For Life(paul mix)", "I Am A God", "Ready For Judgement Day", "One Of These Days", "Phreak Ya Speaka", "Muil Houwe", "MC's & DJ's", "Viper's Minimix", "You're A Hardcore Hooligan", "I Will Have That Power" and "Ik Haat Je".
And althugh it had become a few minutes past five already, Distortion had no intentions to stop, as he continued spinning tracks until 05:30, where under tracks like "Gonna Get This Place", "Hardcore To Da Bone", "Always A Jellyhead", "Shadowlands Anthem", "Braincracking", "Bastard Asshole", "Army Of Hardcore" and Masochist's "Mzkzm" before the turntables finally stopped.
To make my conclusion I can say that the Hardcore-Scene has got another great spot back - The Peppermill is definately one of those places, where you always can expect the best music and a great atmosphere! They have a good light and lasershow and the sound was also great thrughout the whole evening. Besides that I've got to mention the again great live-performance of Noisekick in the Dark Dungeons-Area - always wearing funny masks and kicking only the hardest shit he knows how to make everybody go wild! So after all a very successfull night for the Peppermill and all the party-people who were there to witness!!! See ya again soon in the Peppermill!
On this Friday, the 18th of November, the time was come to return back to where it all begun - the city of Rotterdam, to celebrate "15 Years Of Hardcore - DJ Paul Elstak" at the fully rede-signed Outland (the former Ministry of Dance). For this great event B2S and DJ Paul put to-gether an outstanding line-up with many special performances. For example the two Early-Rave live-acts from Neophyte and Rotterdam Terror Corps (with the return of MC Raw!) and a special performance of the Forze DJ Team in the Mainworld and of cource not to forget the absolutely last and unique one time show of Holy Noise in original formation in the Under-world. Besides these special performances names like The Darkraver,JDA, Nosferatu, The Stunned Guys, DJ Rob & MC Joe, Stanton, Genius and Max Enforcer completed the line-up.
So with everything set for a great evening we hit the road towards Rotterdam, where we arrived at Otuland the after two hours at 01:00. And even it already was that late there was standing a huge line in front of the entrance. But about 30 mintues and a quick security-check later we were finally in. In the Mainworld the live-show of the Rotterdam Teror Corps was already in full effect. With MC Raw back behind the mic, the hot erotic dancers and Distortion playing several of their hits like "Raveworld", "There's Only One Terror", "The Horror" and many others they were definately creating a great atmosphere just like back the old days!
Then The Stunned Guys took their positions behind the wheels of steel and delivered a good set going from old to new, beginning with many Early Hardcore-hits like "Doomzday", "Get This Motherfucker", "Thrillseeka", "Hardcore Takin' Over", "Hardcore Will Never Die", "Hymn", "There Is No Other" up to various recent records like "Showtime", "Demolition", "Dominator (Stunned Guys Remix)", "Domination", "Shogun" and "Shotgun (AoF reloaded)". At the end of their set they made me very happy by playing "Party Rico" and "Our Definition Of An Oldstyle" - great finish!
During their set we went down to the Underworld for the performance of Holy Noise. Every-body was jumping down herewhen all the famous tracks like "The Nightmare", "Get Down Everybody", "James Brown Is Still Alive", "Holy Noise Will Never Die" came out of the spea-kers while MC Allee was heating up the crowd together with MC Ruffian and the two female dancers - an awesome final performance of Holy Noise! When we got back upstairs for the live-performance of Neophyte we ran into Kill-Bill, a member of the - it was nice talking to you man. Looking forward to party together in the future! :-)
Like we already had expected Neophyte's performance really tore the place apart! Only logi-cal, when you think of all their hits like "None Of Ya Left", "Muil Houwe", "Arrogantie", "I Will Have That Power", "Execute", "One Of These Days", "Alles Kapot", "Hardcore To Da Bone", "Komen Wij Uit Rotterdam", "Army Of Hardcore", "Happy Is Voor Hobos" and "Ik Will Hakke". And with some cool e-guitar riffs in between Always Hardcore and Jeroen con-stantly going crazy behind the mic this was another unforgettable performance of Rotterdam's Hardest!
After Neophyte had cleared the stage, DJ Paul and Nosferatu started their battle with the well known "Fuck Off"- Offensive-Intro and continued to deliver one hit record after another. "Ready For Judgement Day", "Right Here, Right Now", "I Am A God (Evil Activities Remix)", "Here Comes The Prozac", "Headbanger's Theme", "Zoo", "Psychatric Ass","Breath", "Let's Get Them All", "Never Fall Asleep", "Project Hardcore 2005 (Anthem Mix)", "Hey (2002 Re-mix)", "Master Symphony", "Language Of Rhythm", "Are You Ready", "Nocturnal Rituals (Tommyknocker Mix)" and Ophidian's "Butterfly VIP" came all flying by in a really fresh and kicking way. For me personally this was absolutely the best performance of the evening! Re-spect to Paul and Nosferatu for this great DJ-battle!
Last but not least the Forze DJ Team (Paul/Lars/Panic) was ready to rock the Outland, which they definately did by delivering a perfect set with many classic tracks like "Gangstashit", "Killing Scum (Promo Remix)", "If Da Kidz Are United", "The Hustle", "98 To The Piano", "Are You With Me", "No Newstyle", "Fuck You Mellow Motherfuckers", "Life's Like A Da-nce", "Going Crazy", "Slaves To The Rave", "Get This Motherfucker", "Play My Game", "XTC-Love", "Lords Of The Hardschool", "Trigga Finger", "Drummachine", "Make You Dan-ce", "Go Get Busy", "Discoland", "Viper Minimix", "Be Quiet", "Exlxaxl (Original Mix)" and "Always A Jellyhead" before the lights went on and the turntables finally stopped.
So with all the special acts, great music and an even greater atmosphere throughout the evening I can say that my first visit to the Outland definately wasn't my last! This unique lo-cation with its fantastic lightshow and many plasma-screens all over the place has got every-thing that's needed to celebrate many many more Hardcore-Parties in the future. Thanx and respect again to B2S and "The Godfather Of Hardcore" - Paul Elstak
After a very successfull German edition of Masters of Hardcore, that took place at the famous 'Westfalenhallen' in Dortmund almost exactly one mounth ago, it now was again time to travel to the 'Ruhr-gebiet' once more. To the city of Bochum to be precisely, where another edition of "Jugdement Day", organised by P.T.P.- Entertain-ment,was about to take place at the Area 51. For "The Audio Crimi-nals" P.T.P. had a-gain managed to put together an outstanding line-up of 35 DJ's, inclu-ding a lot of big names like Promo, Angerfist, Headbanger, Endymion, Paul Elstak & MC Ruffian, Tommyknocker, Peaky Pounder, Rotterdam Terror Corps, Radium, Drokz and of cource many of PTP's own artists like DJ Ron, Baby Raw, E-Light, BammBamm or DM-Style.
So Marcel and I did the only right thing to do by getting in the car heading towards Bochum, where we arrived after one and a half hours at about 01:00. After the usual security check we decided to short-visit each of the four areas in order to get some first impressions. The Hardcore-Sound of today was played in Area 1(The Headquater). In Area 2 (Observation Command Post) Hardstyle, Jump and Oldschool was coming out of the speakers, while Area 3 (The Family Lounge) was the place to be to back in time with the best Classics&Early Hardcore. And for the Die-Hard's Area 4(The Ammunition Depot) offered the harder sounds of Darkcore & Speed-core.
But because the three other areas were kind of small and the sound quality wasn't really that good we went back to Area 1, where we stayed almost for the rest of the evening.Here the sound quality was better but the sound level should have been a bit harder if you ask me. Besides that this area was equipped with an amazing light- and lasershow like you can see on the pictures Marcel and I took and the atmosphere throughout the night was good here too.
Only minutes after we had arrived DJ Promo got behind the turntables and surprised me again by laying down a good set, just like on Raving Nightmare one week ago. His set included many former and recent hits like "My Claime To Fame", "A Way Of Life (Promo rmx)", "The World Is Mine", "After Me There Will BeNone", "W.O.III", "Demons", "Exlaxl (DT6 remix)", "phreak Ya Speaka", "Princess Of The Posse" and "Fuckin Hostile".
Following next was the live-performance of Rotterdam Terror Corps, definately one highlight of this evening considering the hot show the sexy dancers and RTSier perform all the time. And with Distortion playing some of R.T.C.'s famous records like "The Horror", "Are You Prepared To Die", "Sounds Of Madness", "Hardcore In Mijn Ooren", "Nobody Harder" and "Raveworld" this was one of these entertaining performances that made their name famous all over the globe.
For the next hour the sound was going to be a lot darker & rougher, because Radium got behind the wheels of steel. His choice of tracks, like "The Mine", "Tales Of Jealousy","Alkaline 3dh", "Wonderbra", "The Cure", "DJ Fuck", "Project Hardcore 2005 (Pro Evolution mix)", "Generation X", "Microtronic", and the way he mixed them together was absolutely great and kept a lot of people continously on their feet.Respect to Radium!
It already had become time for the last life-performance of the evening, which came form Endymion. And even they totally rocked the place I was a liitle bit dissapointed, cause they played the exact same set they had done on Raving Nightmare one week ago,starting with "Masenka" followed by "Sence Of Another World", "Payback", "The Core", "Nothing Is What It Seems", "Project Hardcore 2005(Anthem mix)", "Rock-E-Party" and "Drunk With A Gun".
My dissapointment vanished instantly the moment the Offensive-Intro came out of the speakers and MC Ruffian introduced himself and his DJ, Paul Elstak. They managed to keep the atmosphere at a high level for another hour. One reason herefore were the records "HardcoreByNature", "Go Back To The Darkness", "The Way Is Shut", "One Day (We Kill 'Em All)", "Furious Anger", "Bigger Than Ever", "Still Wasted", "Ready For Judgement Day", "Enemies For Life (Paul mix)","Blow The Club Down", "Zombie", "Headbanger's Theme", "I Am A God (E.A. rmx)", "Bombing Eardrums", "I Will Have That Power", "You're A Hardcore Hooligan" and Viper's Minimix that Paul again put together in another flawless mix. The other reason was that MC Ruffian was giving 120% pushing the crowd. For some time even MC Ruffian himself couldnt stop dancing on the stage! I can only say it once more: it's simply amazing what atmosphere these two guys create again and again on every party they perform! Offensive Rulez!!! :-)
Due to several great releases in the recent past, the funny guy from Italy, Tommyknocker had the honour to finish this edition of "Judgement Day". His set included almost every actual floorfiller from "Twist", "Revenge", "Angel", "Dominator (Stunned Guys rmx)", "Revolution", "Exlaxl (Evil Activities rmx)", "If You Want It Like That", "You Will Die", "The Prophecy Unfolds" to "Domination" and "Bone Crusher". A nice way to bring this successfull party to an end.
To come to my conclusion I have to say that P.T.P definately did a great job organizing this event-a nice location with an amazing light-and lasershow, a massive line-up with many top DJ's and an always good and friendly atmosphere can let you almost forget the fact that again the sound could have been much better and harder. But the great sets from Radium, Paul Elstak and Tommyknocker as well as the cool live-performance of the RotterdamTerrorCorps made this to another successfull trip into the middle of the 'Ruhrgebiet'.
After two very successfull editions of Raving Nightmare at the Tarm Center in Keulen earlier this year UHM returned to the Netherlands again to celebrate the 10 years anniversary of Raving Nightmare with this edition called "Nocturnal Rituals" back at the MECC in Maastricht. Due to the success of last year's "The Prophecy Unfolds", the 1st Raving Nightmare at the MECC, it was only a matter of time for another great edition to take place here. Besides UHM had booked a lot of top-artists for this event, like Nosferatu & Evil Activities, Promo & DJ The Producer, Vince & Vinyl Junk, The Viper & Tommyknocker, Unexist aka Jappo & Tieum and Buzz Fuzz & Gzimo. The two live performances of this evening came from Catscan feat. Deimos and Endymion.
So with everything set for a great evening I got on my way to Maastricht alone this time an after half an hour I arrived at the MECC about 23:00. I didn't had to wait at the VIP-entrance and so, after a very obligatory security-check, I directly headed towards the stage, where the battle between Evil Activities & Nosferatu had already begun minutes ago. They delivered just the right tracks for me to get into the mood, as tracks like "Skullcrack(Dione rmx)", "Psychatric Ass", "One Of These Days", "Never Fall Asleep" and "Disease" came flying by. As last tracks Nosferatu played his Minimix (Let There Be House/Psychatric Ass/Pessa Pessa), just like he had done it at the MOH in Dortmund. A good and solid performance of these two guys.
Coming up next was the live-performance of Catscan feat. Deimos. Because I decided to walk through the hall to shoot some pictures I only caught a few bits and pieces of his set, including his own top productions "The Agency", "Mindfull Candy", "be Unforgettable", "Enough Chocolate" and his remix of Fly By Wire's "Alkaline 3DH".
Following Catscan's live-act, DJ Vince & Vinyl Junk started their huge 6-Decks battle, which contained a lot of cool scratching and a huge number of hit records, like "Exlaxlxl(DT6 rmx)", "Twist", "You Will Die", "The Princess Of The Posse", "The Thousand Faces Conspiration", "Earthquake", "Your Choice", "Eye Of The Storm", "Demons(Promo rmx)", "Fingerz", "Uncontrollable Urges", "Fucking Hostle", "Psychatric Ass", "Hate Me", Catscan's "Arp" and as finisher Partyraiser & Triax hit "Assassins", with which they definately hit the nerve, because everybody was going wild on this last track.
It now was time for the sound to go from the more Mainstream-orientated style of Vince to the much rougher and darker Sounds of Promo and DJ The Producer. And even if this performance had a few little flaws, it was much better than the other performances I had seen from Promo throughout this year. Their choice of records fitted me also better than usually, as it included tracks like "The Mine", "House Of Pain", "The Desrtoyer", "Demons(Promo rmx)", "Acid Rain", "Fucking With My Shit", "Jealousy Is A Motherfucker", "Lying Through Your Teeth", "Murder Was The Case" and "I Am A Criminal".
During the last minutes of Promo & DJ The Producer's battle I went towards the stage to get a good postion for the upcoming live-act of Endy mion because I knew that would get crowded in front of the stage once they are performing. And so it was! During the half hour they performed the atmosphere was at its best, because they know how to please the crowd. With their well-known jumping and screaming and the usage of magnesium-flares they took over the place and made almost everybody go crazy on such famous tracks as "Masenka", "Sence Of Another World", "Payback", "The Core", "Nothing Is What It Seems", "Project Hardcore 2005(Anthem mix)" and "Rock-E-Party". And as a little bonus afterwards they also played "Drunk Wtih A Gun".
At the end of Endymion's great live-act I went towards the UHM-stand, where you could by all kinds of stuff from stickers, patches, shirts and longsleeves up to vinyls and of course the brand-new Raving Nightmare CD, compiled by Tommyknocker and The Producer. To my surprise I ran into MC Chucky, who already had performed at the beginning of the evening as he was part of the preliminary fight together with Mr Sinister, Pita, Triax, Crosswire, Mol and DJ Kristof. And like he told me their performance went really great, even if there seemed to be some problems with sound system. What surprised me even more was that he was about to do another performance as MC of the battle between Viper & Tommyknocker. So, after a little small talk, we both went towards the stage.
And because the anthem of this Raving Nightmare is done by Tommyknocker they began their battle with this very track, called "Nocturnal Rituals", followed by an endless number of floorfillers like "Revenge", "Phreak Ya Speaka", "Wake Up And Become", "Twist", "The Thousand Faces Conspiration", "Project Hardcore 2005(Anthem mix)", "Never Fall Asleep", "Dominator(Stunned Guys rmx)", "Revolution", "Demolition", "Exlaxlxl(E.A.& Neophyte rmx)", "You Will Die", "Domination", "Breath", "Your Choice", "Bone Crusher", "Skullcrack(Dione rmx)", "The Prophecy Unfolds", "Headz", "One Of These Days" and not to forget Viper's great Minimix(Bike's Drum/Prednison Attack/Brohymn/Braincracking). With this massive ammount of hits mixed in a very cool way and MC Chucky pushing the crowd, this was going to be the battle of the evening in my opinion.
Normally I had intended to leave after this performance, because I was on my own, but for some reason I decided to stay just a little longer. That turned out to be good decision, otherwise I would have missed the awesome battle between Jappo and Tieum. Usually I do not really like their kind of sound, but what these two freaks delivered early in the morning was one of the best Raw/Industrial sets I've ever heard, almost impossible to stand still while these rough beats were played! The only two familiar tracks to me were the DT6-Remix of "Exlaxlxl" and a new track from Tieum called "Microtronic". Meanwhile it had almost become half past five in the morning and the time for me to get on my way back home.
To make my conclusion I can say that "Nocturnal Rituals" was a really good party with great DJ's, good music and a good atmosphere. The Light- and Lasershow was also quite alright, only the fact that there wasn't almost any decoration in the whole MECC besides a few stands and the VIP-Deck seemed very strange, and not just to me, according to some other people I talked to during the night. In Puncto decoration we all seemed to have been expecting a lot more from UHM, considering that this was 10th anniversary of Raving Nightmare and the often crazy decorations back at the Platte Zaal or even way back at the first Nightmares in the Peppermill!!! And what didn't really bother me cause I had to drive but many many others was the fact that they ran out of beer at about half past four. Besides that this edition of Raving Nightmare was surely worth to get another sequel in the future. And for me, this is all that matters!!!
After the very successfull "Poltergeist"-party on September 24th, Powercore now had invited everybody to the Happy Dayzz again to be a part of their latest concept, called "PokkeHerrie". A much harder and darker concept than Poltergeist, which could definately be seen according to the line-up including names like Megashira, The Outside Agency, Deimos &100 Kilo Maarten and of course Noisekick, who was determined to perform as last in the second area (da bedoel ik nouw, vette herrie!)! The line-up also included names like Tommyknocker, Neophyte and Paul Elstak & MC Ruffian, so that everybody could enjoy all different kinds of hardcore.
Due to some trafficproblems we arrived, much later than we had expected,about 0:45 at the Happy Dayzz. And even the fact that we didn't have to wait at the entrance and the security-check happened really fast, could not change that we had just missed the performance of Neophyte. Sad but true.
Next one acoording to the timetable was a for me unknown young man named The Carcass. He teamed up for the next two hours with another unknown talent called Cemon Victa. Their set was partially so rough and dark that is was really hard to make a diffrence between area 1 and area 2. But they also played many, more Mainstyle-related tracks like "Rape The Planet", "The Thousand Faces Conspiration", "The Middle Children", "Unconscious World", "Mosh Pit", "Demons", "The Drummer & The Dancer" and Neophyte's "One Of These Days". After all a very nice performance these two guys put together.
During their performance we went to take a look at the second area, where Megashira finished his set with the great "Prednison Attack" before he made room for The Outside Agency. According to the crowd they made a perfect job, cause everybody was going wild the minute they started. But because it was way to hard for me we went back to area 1 where we were counting down the minutes till 3 o' clock - the time that Paul Elstak's performance should have normally begun.
But the moment DJ Sagem entered the stage we realized that we hadn't been the only ones tonight with traffic problems! That didn't stop Sagem from laying down a great set with many famous older and actual floorfiilers like "Neighborhood Crime", "Intellectual Killer (Nosferatu rmx)","Whats Up Wtih Life (M.O.C. rmx)", "Frustrated Motherfuckers", "Final Frontier", "Restore Respect", "Sick Of My Life", "My Destiny", "The Prophecy Unfolds", "Breath" and Art of Fighters' "I'm Your Enemy". So, again nothing to complain about.
During the last minutes of his set Paul Elstak & MC Ruffian got on the stage to prepare everything for their upcoming performance, which was filled with almot every actual hit, from Dione's "The Way Is Shut", "Payback", "Exlaxlxl (E.A. rmx)" over The Stunned Guys smashhit "You Will Die" up to many of Paul's own hit records like "Ready 4 Judgement Day", "One Day (We Kill 'Em All)", "I Am A God (Evil Activities rmx)","Danger Danger (Tommyknocker rmx)", "May I Fuck My Wife", "You Are A Hardcore Hooligan", "Rocking Beats (Accerlator rmx)", "No One Will Hear You Scream", "This Is The End" and DJ The Viper's Minimix (Prednison Attack/ Brohymn/ Braincracking). And even Ruffian was very quiet during the most of Paul's performance, it was this hour between four and five when the atmosphere in area 1 was at its best.
The last DJ for tonite in area 1 was J.D.A., who took over just where Paul had stooped by playing great tracks like "DNA-Theory", "Drugs 4 Fun", "Wake Up", "Cameltoe", "Zoo", "Breath", "Bone Crusher", "Demons", "Alkaline 3DH (Catscan rmx)", "You Will Survive", "The Way Is Shut", "The Prophecy Unfolds", "Attack" and "Always A Jellykneck". Even his performance was quite good and flawless, it was nothing beyond the ordinary. But for the few people who were staying untill the end this was satisfying enough.
On our way out we were able to catch the last minutes of DJ Noisekick's performance, which he did in a very big scarecrow-mask by the way, before the lights finally turned on and everybody was directed politely towards the exit by the security members.
To bring this report to an end I can say that the "PokkeHerrie"-concept was definately worth to be followed by a sequel in the future. The combination of upcoming talents and big names on the line-up, one Mainstyle- and one Darkcore/Terror-area, are perfect ingredients for a small but successfull party-evening.